IEC 62746-10-1:2018 specifies a minimal data model and services for demand response (DR), pricing, and distributed energy resource (DER) communications. This document can be leveraged to manage customer energy resources, including load, generation, and storage, via signals provided by grid and/or market operators. These resources can be identified and managed as individual resources with specific capabilities, or as virtual resources with an aggregated set of capabilities. It specifies how to implement a two-way signaling system to facilitate information exchange between electricity service providers, aggregators, and end users. The DR signalling system is described in terms of servers (virtual top nodes or VTNs), which publish information to automated clients (virtual end nodes, or VENs), which in turn subscribe to the information. The services make no assumption of specific DR electric load control strategies that can be used within a DR resource or of any market-specific contractual or business agreements between electricity service providers and their customers.

  • Standard
    207 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62939-2:2018(E), which is a Technical Specification, provides an architecture to define interfaces for the information exchange between smart equipment/systems from the demand side and the power grid. It facilitates the interoperability between the IEC common information model (CIM) and customer facility standards for smart grid applications.
This document presents one possible architecture to connect non-CIM/IEC 61850-based demand-side standards to the CIM, to support demand response type applications.
It presents an immediately available architecture approach for home and building grid users for demand response applications to cope with the fragmented market and lack of harmonized standard solutions. It proposes that a three-layer application be implemented but this does not preclude the ongoing long-term efforts of IEC ideally to promote from a semantic perspective only two-layer implementations.

  • Technical specification
    15 pages
    English language
    sale 15% off

IEC TR 62939-1:2014(E) presents an international consensus perspective on the vision for a Smart Grid User Interface (SGUI) including:
- SGUI requirements distilled from use cases for communications across the customer interface (the SGUI);
- an analysis of existing IEC and other international standards that relate to the SGUI;
- and an identification of standards gaps that need to be filled and might become potential work items in IEC. The committee's scope is, "Standardization in the field of information exchange for demand response and in connecting demand side equipment and/or systems into the Smart Grid". This report presents the information exchange and interface requirements leading to standards to support effective integration of consumer systems and devices into the Smart Grid.

  • Technical report
    128 pages
    English language
    sale 15% off