Textile machinery and accessories — Weaving machines — Classification and vocabulary

Establishes a classification and list of equivalent terms in the three official ISO languages (English, French and Russian) for weaving machines used in the textile industry for the production of woven fabrics. Gives in an annex the equivalent terms in German.

Matériel pour l'industrie textile — Métiers et machines à tisser — Classification et vocabulaire

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ISO 5247:1983
English language
12 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Textile machinery and ackessories - Weaving
machines - Classification and vocabulary
First edition - 1983-05-01
Materie1 pour I’industrie textile - Metiers et machines
ti tisser - Classification et vocabulaire
Premiere Edition - 1983-05-01
=kKCTmbH ble MalWlH bl Id BCnoMoraTenbHOe 06opygosatibde - TicaqKide
MNNlHbl - KnacC~C#mKa~~FI H CJlOBZlpb
llepeoe k43Aawde - 1983-05-01
Ref. No./Ref. no :
UDC/CDU/YAK 677.054 : 001.4 ISO 5247-1983 (E/F/R)
CCblJlKa No: MC0 5247-1983 (A/WP)
Descriptors : textile machinery, weaving, classification, vocabulary, definition. / Descripteurs : matkriel textile, tissage, classification,
vocabulaire, definition. /AecKpmtopbl : TeKCTMJlbHble MaWlHbl, TKBHb, KJlBCCM@WlKB~t’lR, CJlOBBpb, OnpBfiWleHMe.
Price based on 14 pages/Prix bask sur 14 pages/ueHa paccriMTaHa Ha 14 CTP.

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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is car-
ried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee.
International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take
patt in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO
International Standard ISO 5247 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 72, Textile
machinery and a//ied machinery and accessories, and was circulated to the member bodies in
March 1982.
lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia Germany, F. R. Spain
Belgium India Switzerland
Brazil Japan
China Korea, Rep. of United Kingdom
Czechoslovakia USSR
Egypt, Arab Rep. of Romania Y ugoslavia
South Africa, Rep. of
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes internationa-
les est confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude
a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO, participent egalement aux tra-
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par Ie
Conseil de I’ISO.
La Norme internationale ISO 5247 a et6 elaboree par Ie comite technique lSO/TC 72, Materie/
pour l’industrie texti/e et matbiel connexe, et a et6 soumise aux comites membres en mars 1982.
Les comites membres des pays suivants I’ont approuvee :
Afrique du Sud, Rep. d’ Egypte, Rep. arabe d’ Royaume-Uni
Allemagne, R. F.
Espagne Suisse
Australie France Tchecoslovaquie
Belgique Inde Turquie
Bresil Japon
Pologne Yougoslavie
Corde, Rep. de Roumanie
Aucun comite membre du pays ne I’a desapprouvee.

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MC0 (MexflyHapoAHafi OpraHu3aqm no CTaHflapTu3aum) flBnReTcR 6ceMkdpHoti @eflepaqMeW
Ha~klOHUlbHblX OpraHM3a4Mti n0 CTaH~apTkl3aqWl (KOMMTeTOB-WeHOB MCO). AeflTeflbHOCTb n0
pa3pa60TKe Me~yHapOflHblX CTaHfiapTOB npOBO&MTCfl TeXHMqeCKMMM KOMMTeTaMM MCO. Kax-
C/bl# KOMMTeT-WEH, 3aklHTepeCOBaHHblti B J@flTeJlbHOCTkl, &JlFl KOTOPOti 6bin CO3@H TeXHM-
WCKldl KOMMTeT, MMeeT IlpaBO 6blTb IlpeACTaBJ’leHHblM B 3TOM KOMMTeTe. MeNQyHapo~tible npa-
BMTenbCTBeHHble M HellpaBklTenbCTBeHHble OpraHM3a~MM, MMetOqIle CBfl3M C MCO, TaKme llpl+
HMMNOT y‘4aCTPle B pa6OTax.
f-@OeKTbl hh?~yHapO~HblX CTaHAapTOB, npl4HFiTble TeXHM’NCKMMM KOMMTeTaMM, paCCblJlNOTCFl
KOMMTeTaM-WeHaM Ha OflO6peHMe llepep( MX YTBepxAeHMeM COBeTOM MC0 B KacleCTBe Mewy-
MexAyHapoAHbiti CTaHAapT MC0 5247 6bin pa3pa60Tati TeXHWIeCKMM KoMMTeToM MCORK 72,
TeKCtWnbHble MaUlllHbl U BCr7OM02ameJlbHOe 06opydOBaHue, M pa3OCnaH KOMMTeTaM-clneHaM B
MapTe 1982 roAa.
OH 6bin OfiO6peH KOMMTeTaMM-WleHaMM CJleplylOlQklX CTpaH :
ABCT~~JWIM llonbuJM Uleeilqapm
6enbrm PyMblHMM qexocnoBaKm
6pa3mm COe~PlHeHHOrO KOpOneBCTBa Kkocnasim
MH&pl# PeCny6nkm
Mcnatim @eJqepaTldBHoM PecrlyGnIlK1/1 FlllOHMM
ttmaa repMaHWI
KopeM, PeCny6nMKM @paHL&lM
@ International Organkation for Standardkation, 1983 l
0 Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1983 l
Q Mem~ynapo~nan Opranwsaqnfi no Cranflaprusaqwn, 1983 l
Printed in Switzerland/ Imprim6 en Suisse/M3C(aHo B UlseAqap~~
. . .

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ISO 5247-1983 (E/F/R)
MC0 524711983 (A/@/P)
Materie1 pour I’industrie TeKCTw’IbHble MaWlHbl
Textile machinery
textile - Metiers et H BcnoMoraTen bHOe
and accessories -
machines 6 tisser - 060py~OBaHm -
Weaving machines -
Classification et TtcaiqcHe MUNlHbl -
Classification and
vocabulaire Knaccw#mcaqwi H CJlOBapb
1 Scope and field Objet et domaine O6xeKr H o6nacTb
of application d’application
La presente Norme internationale etablit Ia fiacToF1~MrA Me~~yHapOflHblc;i CTaHAapT
This International Standard establishes
yCTaHaBWlBaeT KflaCClN$WlKa~Wo M Onpe-
a classification and list of equivalent classification et donne Ia liste des termes
equivalents employes pour les machines a JJeJlFleT CflMCOK 3KBMBafleHTHblX TepMM-
terms in English, French and Russian,
for weaving machines used in the textile tisser, utilisees dans I’industrie textile a Ia HOB Ha aHUlldlCKOM, @paH4y3CKOM M pyC-
CKOM R3blKaX AflFl TKaLJKMX MalWlH, npPlMe-
industry for the production of woven fabrication des tissus par Ia technique de
tissage, c’est-a-dire par l’entrecroisement HFleMblX B TeKCTMRbHOlil npOMblUJIleHHO-
fabrics by the weaving technique, i.e.
by interlacing of two (or more) Systems de deux (ou plusieurs) systemes de fils CTL’l flflfl npOPl3BOflCTBa TKaHblX llOJlOTeH C
nOMO~btO TKaqKOrO 060pyflOBaHMR, T.e.
of parallel threads, and machines w-h paralleles, et pour les machines utilisant
ny-reM nepennereHr4fr fleyx (MJIM 6onee) CM-
hybrid forming methods. des methodes hybrides de formation de
I’etoffe. CTeM napaJlfleJlbHblX HMTeh M C nOMOiqbtO
NOTE - In addition to terms used in the
three official ISO languages (English, French NOTE - En Supplement aux termes donnes HMeM.
and Russian), this International Standard
dans les trois langues officielles de I’ISO
gives in an annex the equivalent terms in
(anglais, francais, russe), Ia presente Norme
- 6 ,t.JOnOJlHeHW K TePMMHaM,
German; these have been included at the re-
internationale donne en annexe les termes equi-
nfNlMeHR%lblM Ha TpeX OC#IM~WlbHblX fl3blKaX
quest of ISO/TC 72 and are published under
valents en allemand; ces termes ont et6 inclus a
the responsibility of the member body for Ia demande du comite technique ISO/TC 72, et
HaCTOFI~t’lfi MWKflYHapOAHblti CTaHflapT fiaeT B
Germany, F.R. (DIN). However, only the
sont publies sous Ia responsabilite du comite
npMJlO~eHMl4 3KBMBUleHTHble TePMMHbl Ha He-
terms and definitions given in the official membre de I’Allemagne, R.F. (DIN). Toutefois,
MeuKOM F13blKe. 3TM TePMMHbl BKJllO’deHbl l-l0
languages tan be considered as ISO terms
seuls les termes et definitions donnes dans les
npocb6e MCOTTK72 M fly6flMKyiOTCfI noR oTBer-
and definitions.
langues off icielles peuvent etre consideres
KOMMTeTa-WleHa @eAepaTMBHOti
comme termes et definitions ISO.
PeCny6nMKM kpMaHWI. O/JHaKO, B KaqeCTBe
TePMMHOB M OllpeflWleHPlti MC0 MOryT PaCCMaT-
PMBaTbCfl TOJlbKO TePMMHbl M Onpe~WleHVlfI,
flaHHble Ha OC@l~WlbHblX R3blKaX.
2 Definitions OnpeAenekw
Dans Ie cadre de Ia presente Norme inter- Me>KflyHapO&HOM CTaHAapTe
For the purpose of this International B QaHHOM
nationale les definitions suivantes sont MC IlOJl b3ytO ~cfl cnegymqMe 0npeAeneHwi :
Standard, the following definitions
applicables :
aPPlY :
machine d tisser monophas6e: Machine o&io@miafl TKaqKaR MawHHa : -kaqKafl
2.1 singlephase weaving machine:
MaWlHa, B KOTOpOfi yTOK npOKJla/JblBaeTCFl
a tisser Sur laquelle Ia trame est inseree a
Weaving machine in which the weft is
travers Ia largeur entiere de Ia nappe de Yepe3 BCK) WlpMHy nOflOTHl4qa OCHOBbl B
laid across the full width of the warp
OAHOI;I aase pa6orero qMKna TKaqKOrO
Chaine dans une Phase unique du cycle
sheet in a Single Phase of the working
operatoire de Ia machine a tisser.
cycle of the weaving machine.
Ecn~ 3Ta OflepaqMfI flpOM3BOfiMTCfI Bpy+
If it is a hand operated , it is Lorsqu’il s’agit d’un dispositif actionne a
HytO, MaUlMHa Ha3blBaeTCR pyrlH0fi TKaL(-
hand loom. main on parle d’un metier a tisser.
KOfi MalUMHOlk

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ISO 5247-1983
MC0 52474983 1 (A/cD/P
2.2 multiphase weaving machine : machine 6 tisser multiphasee : MHoroc@a3Hafl TKaqKan nmawHa : Tkaykafi
Weaving machine in which several MalUMHa, B KOTOpOti HeCKOnbKO yTOCIHblX
Machine a tisser sur laquelle plusieurs
Picks are inserted simultaneously so duites sont inserees simultanement de HMTel;il npOKfla~blBaK)TCFI OAHOBpeMeHHO
that several phases of the working cycle Sorte que plusieurs phases du cycle TaKMM o6pamM, YTO HeCKOnbKO @a3 pa6o-
of the weaving machine take place at operatoire de Ia machine a tisser se ‘der0 4MKfla TKaqKOti MaUlMHbl COBeplUatOT-
one time. deroulent en meme temps. CFl OAHOBpeMeHHO.
2.3 machine for hybrid fabric machine utilisant des methodes nmauwHa flnfi cnmewaHHor0 TKaHe@opwdpo-
BaHHA : fVlau!Mr-ia, B KOTOpOr;i OCHOBa M yTOK
forming methods : Machine in which hybrides de formation de I’etoffe :
the warp and weft are interlaced Machine sur laquelle Ia Chaine et Ia trame BKfllO’AalOTCfI B npOqeCC TKaHe@OpMMpO-
simultaneously with other techniques of sont entrecroisees simultanement a BaHMFl BMeCTe C fipyrOfi TeXHM’deCKOti OC-
d’autres techniques de formation de HaCTKOlk
fabric formation.
qent4oK: /Je-ran b, HecyiqaR sanac yrka ~nfl
2.4 shuttle : Body carrying a supply navette : Element portant une reserve de
of weft for several Picks, and propelled Ia trame pour plusieurs duites et propulse a HeCKOn bKMX flpOKna/JOK, M npOKM~bIBae-
Mafi qepe3 3eB.
back and forth through the shed. travers Ia foule en faisant un mouvement
2.5 projectile : Body propelled projectile : Element propulse a travers Ia npoKnaAwwc: AeTanb, npoKnaflblBaeMaR
through the shed and provided with foule et pourvu d’une pince pour retenir Ia qepe3 3eB, CHa6NteHHalR 3aXBaTHblM yCT-
trame et l’entrainer dans Ia foule a partir pOliiCTBOM flflfl 3aXBaTa yTKa M npOKMflKM
gripping means for gripping the weft
and pulling it into the shed from a d’une reserve fixe. er0 B 388 OT MCTO~HPlKa llMTaHMFl.
stationary supply.
26 Weft carrier : Body carrying a porte-duites : Element portant une tiocmenb yTrca: fleTanb, Hecyiqafl sanac
reserve de fil de trame, et commande yTKa M npOBOfll4MaFl llpPlHyJJPlTeflbH0 ‘4e-
supply of weft and driven positively
through the shed. positivement a travers Ia foule. pes 3eB.
2.7 rapier : Rigid, telescopic or lance : Element rigide, telescopique ou pannpa : XecTwM, TenecKonwecKW M~M
flexible rod driven positively through the flexible commande positivement a travers rM6KMM npyTOK, npMBO~VlMbll8 IlpMHyC(M-
shed by a mechanism located outside Ia foule par un mecanisme situe hors de Ia TeflbHO ‘4epe3 3eB C nOMOlQbl0 MeXaHM3Ma,
paCllOflOIKeHHOr0 BHe nOflOTHVl~a OCHOBbl
the warp sheet, and inserting the weft nappe de Chaine, et inserant Ia trame dans
into the shed from a stationary supply. Ia foule a partir d’une reserve fixe M npOKJlaAbIBalO~er0 yTOK B 3eB OT MCTOq-
BOnHOO6pa3Hble 3eBbl: MHOIKeCTBO 3eBOB,
2.8 wave sheds : In a multiphase foules ondulantes : Foules multiples
weaving machine, multiple sheds formees dans Ia direction de Ia trame et se pacnonaraeMblx B HanpaBneHm yTKa M c
nepeflBt4meHtdeM B cT0p0~y B MHoroc@a3-
formed in the direction of weft and deplacant lateralement sur une machine a
moving laterally. tisser ‘multiphasee. HOti TKaqKOfi MallNAHe.
2.9 parallel sheds : In a multiphase foules paralleles : Foules multiples napannenbHbie 3eBbl: Mtiomecrf30 nMrieM-
Hblx 3ef3oB, pacnonaraeMblx no BceW UIMPM-
weaving machine, multiple linear sheds lineaires formees sur toute Ia largeur de Ia
formed in the full width of warp and Chaine et se deplacant dans Ia direction de He 0cHoBbl M nepeABwaquxcfl B Hanpas-1
Ia Chaine sur une machine a tisser neHMM OCHOBbl B MHOrO@a3HOti TKaqKOti
moving in the direction of Warp.
multiphasee. MaulMHe.

---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
bjo~~u~~M~daa 10 W8MHBlMU 3 MUM BUMl
xnsayan xneuea led no
OJOHHegI?deg ~LfkNll NHaW3 WOlBWOl9B 3
lall!ieq led uo!)e&KXu!~e y3eJS JO /tB~~eq AJE?IOJ UJOJJ pCKI4
MUhll ~OHtN’J3 03
allaue ap wmuaßuey3 tg
6u!6ueq3 ui!d
BYOHUah l!IOHM+J3 03
a$Janeu ap wawa6uey3 p
6u!6ueya alJ$nys
Mo>1godo>l LjOHhOHUah MOHtfO 3
saldw!s sayoq ?
xoq alßu!s
sanb!yeuro$ne ~ass!~ q sayyaeyy sauyaeiu Gu!AeaM a*euroJnv
wmAdW &H HMtfO MWB9X 3
sa?sodmdns salno4 q
spays pasodmdns qq~
P’Z’l’ l’&
wMtiHOdOl3k3ti 3 ~l=lHhOHU~hOJOHW
S?JQD xnap sap sald!ylnur sa$Joq 8
sap!s yJoq uo saxoq ald!Jlnw
E’Z’ 1’ 1-s
gg~ un,p sald!g

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